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Business Package | Master Builders Insurance Brokers
Business Package
Tailored cover for small to medium-sized business.
Cover for
Business interruption
Employee dishonesty
Computer and electronic equipment
General property
Tax audit
What is Business Package Insurance?
Business Package Insurance protects your business against a broad spectrum of risks.
Business Package Insurance is an effective insurance solution covering your business for financial, legal and reputational damage.
The flexible insurance package has multiple cover options, providing cost-effective insurance for your business.
What cover options are available in a Business Package?
Why do you need our flexible package?
Here's an example:
Gavin operates a floor sanding business from a small workshop where he keeps his materials and equipment.
A storm causes water damage to his contents, and he is unable to trade for a period of eight weeks, causing his business to lose money. We had sat down with Gavin and analysed the risks facing his business.
Under Gavin's Business Pack policy, there is cover included for water damage to his contents and Business interruption for lost income.
Gavin's insurers act quickly to replace his contents and make an interim payment on lost income to enable him to pay bills. Gavin's business is back on its feet, and his livelihood is protected.
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