Workers Compensation | Master Builders Insurance Brokers
Workers Compensation
Preventing injuries from hurting your business.
Cover for
Employee wages
Medical expenses
Rehabilitation costs
Legal costs
'Common law' damages
What is Workers Compensation Insurance?
Workers Compensation is a compulsory insurance administered as per the Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA). WorkCover WA manages it on behalf of the state government.
Employers must ensure all workers, including contractors and sub-contractors, are protected by Workers’ Compensation insurance. Failure to do so will result in fines, legal costs, costs of common law damages and payment of 5 years avoided premiums.
We have access to five authorised insurers making it quick and simple to arrange cover and can arrange a blanket Principal’s Indemnity extension with a waiver of subrogation. This option helps you meet your contractual liability.
If you are a Proprietary Limited (Pty Ltd) Company you can also elect to cover working directors.
Cover whilst travelling to and from your normal place of work is not covered under a Workers’ Compensation policy and you will need a separate Personal Accident 'Journey' policy.
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We can partner with you to achieve:
Why do you need this policy?
Here's an example:
John is a sole trader who has worked subcontracting as a bricklayer for six years.
His fitness level is not what it used to be, and his work involves significant lifting on site. While working for a large and reputable home builder, he fails to lift a heavy load correctly and suffers back pain resulting in time off work.
The home builder notifies their Insurer of John's incident and lodges a Workers' Compensation claim. The claim undergoes investigation and settled by the home builders' insurers.
While the subcontractor is unable to work, the home builder is required to maintain contact with him and take an active interest in getting him back to work. They work with their Insurer to ensure site safety has the highest priority.
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